


thermowave has been a manufacturer of plate heat exchangers for the refrigeration industry for over twenty years. At the service of designers and installers, our aim is to define and supply optimum equipment for every application.

Food & beverage

thermowave plate heat exchangers have been used in the food and beverage industries for over twenty years. So we’re well aware of the requirements of this sector. The design of our plates and gaskets is particularly well suited to high-pressures.

The profiles of the gaskets and grooves provide resistance to outward (overpressure) or inward (vacuum) pressure, ensuring circuit tightness and safety.

Food & Beverage


The HVAC market is characterized by strong growth and heterogeneous needs. Heating and cooling systems are subject to increasingly stringent efficiency requirements. Not only do they have to comply with numerous regulations and adapt to various support programs, but they also have to take increasingly high energy costs into account.

Process technology

Heat transfer plays a decisive role in the chemical industry. Without heat exchangers, many processes would be impossible. Raw materials need to be brought up to reaction temperature or, in the case of exothermic chemical reactions, the energy released needs to be dissipated.

Process technology
Power energy

Power energy

Cooling the power generation, distribution and conversion processes required in the energy sector is an extremely complex branch of industry, requiring a great deal of experience and technical know-how.